I'm super excited to email you - I've got some great things in store!
Meanwhile... I thought you might want immediate access to my NEW photography course for moms! It's the perfect class for beginners, to help develop your artistic eye and help you take better pictures, no matter what kind of camera you have!
Keep scrolling for all the details - This price won't last for long!
Check it out - I think you'll LOVE the course.
Frustrated with the photos you're taking of your kids, but not sure what else to do?
Overwhelmed with complicated photography tutorials and trying to learn your camera?
Wishing you had a better camera, because you're pretty sure it will give you better pictures of your children?
If you're unhappy with the photos you are taking of your kids, I can help!
You don't need to know everything about photography
to be able to capture great pictures of your children.
I specialize in teaching the basics of photography to busy moms, helping you understand only the things you need to know to be able to take great photos of your kids. I can make photography feel easy and fun with just a few simple lessons!
I know moms don't have a lot of time to invest into learning a new skill ... you just want some good shots of your kids, pronto. I have tips you can use RIGHT NOW to improve the photos you're taking on any kind of camera, even in automatic mode.
"But don't I need a better camera to take better pictures?"
No, you don't need better equipment - you need to use whatever camera you have right now! An expensive DSLR will not improve your photography if you're still making beginner mistakes. Don't wait for a nicer camera... it's YOU that takes the picture, so let me help improve YOUR skills!
Whether you’re using a DSLR camera, a point & shoot, or a smartphone, I can teach you how to move up from boring snapshots to capturing images that you’ll want to frame and celebrate for years to come.
If you're a mom with a camera...
13 short videos with Mom-specific photo tips for any type of camera.
You can take better pictures of your kids in just minutes!
TAKE BETTTER PHOTOS THIS YEAR - $99lorem ipsum dolor
A Mom’s Guide to Better Photos is a short, beginning photography course created just for moms. It will give you simple tips that you can use with any camera - whether it be a DSLR, point & shoot, or a smartphone - to create incredible images of your kids.
You don't need to know everything about your camera to be able to take great photographs of your children! This course covers things like finding the best light in your house, getting your kids to cooperate with you, choosing a flattering angle for special pictures, and so much more!
Ever wanted to learn from a pro? This is your chance! I've been photographing children professionally for seven years - so I know the tricks the pros are using to get your kids to look fantastic on camera. But I'm also a mother of three young kids, so I'm super realistic about how overwhelming photography can feel to a mom. I totally understand how hard it is to take pictures of your own children!
This course is the perfect combination of pro tips and realistic motherhood - I teach you exactly what you need to know as a mom with a camera, without overwhelming you with complicated directions or unreasonable suggestions. This course can help you enjoy taking pictures of your own children!
● Capture beautiful, natural pictures of your kids! You don't have to pose them or go to a fancy location. These are tips you can use to capture the candid details of childhood in your home and daily life.
● Have a toolbox of skills that you can use to improve your photos immediately. These are simple changes you can make that will drastically improve your photos in just minutes!
● Believe in your ability to take great photos! You don't have to master every setting on your camera to be able to take a beautiful photograph- you just need a solid foundation of how to work with kids in the light you've got. I can teach you that!
A Mom's Guide To Better Photos is a beginning course for ANY mom that wants to take great photos with ANY camera. You'll get:
- Lifetime access to online, self-paced course content
- 2.5 hours of video content to stream on a computer or any device
- Individual videos are only 10-15 minutes - perfect for busy moms!
- Downloadable slide PDFs for note taking and reference
- The chance to learn from a professional photographer and mom
- Tips you can use with any camera - DSLR, point&shoot, or phone!
- Tons of before/after examples to help you understand concepts
GET IT NOW FOR $99lorem ipsum dolor
The course consists of four modules with 3 videos each, plus a bonus video by popular request. Want a sneak peek of what you'll learn? Here you go:
-You'll learn six tiny composition changes that improve your photos immediately.
-You'll learn how to choose what's in the frame so you can make your pictures pop instead of drowning in visual clutter.
-You'll discover how to change your perspective, so your photos have character and tell the story you want to tell.
- You'll learn the most ideal outdoor lighting scenarios, so you can take advantage of flattering light.
- You'll learn how to use natural light indoors, so that you are confident taking pictures inside your home.
-How flash affects your photos, so you know when and how to use flash wisely.
-You'll learn how to avoid blurry photos so you'll have more keepers than throwaways, every time. (This information was so popular with my test group that I created two videos for you, stock-full of useful tips for sharp images!)
-What to change to be able to take pictures quickly, so that you can capture perfect moments and fix that annoying lag time on your camera after you press the shutter button.
-How to set and use white balance so you can avoid strange colors and get natural skin tones.
-You'll learn tons of tricks to encourage your kids to cooperate so that you can stop the power struggle when your camera is out.
-What to photograph so that you can tell the unique story of your child's life and growing up years.
-How to keep improving your skills so that you can move forward with photography, even (and especially!) as a busy mom.
Hi! I’m Meg Calton!
I am the woman behind Snap Happy Mom, where I help moms learn how to use their camera and take better pictures. As a mom with three young kids, I know that it can be difficult to get pictures of your kids with real smiles - but I have 7 years of experience as a professional photographer, and I love teaching moms the tricks that the pros are using to get fantastic photos!
I love helping moms get confident with a camera in their hands and capture life the way they see it. I'm your personal photography cheerleader!
Nope! This course has tips you can use with ANY camera. You can be shooting with your smartphone or with a DSLR on auto, or anything in between. I don't want you to wait to get good photos until you have a nicer camera - just use whatever equipment you have to capture your children right now!
The tips in these videos cover basic elements and rules of photography. If a particular concept is handled differently on a smartphone vs a DSLR, I explain the options and limitation of each camera separately. As always, I do not believe you need a new camera to be able to take better pictures - but I do want you to push the camera you have to its fullest potential!
DO You teach me how to use manual Mode?
No, this is a beginning photography course, and it does not cover the advanced concepts of using a DSLR in manual mode.
In fact, while I believe you should get off automatic mode eventually, I don't think you need to shoot in manual to be able to get a good image. The tips presented in the course will help develop your artistic eye, and get you taking better pictures faster than learning the technical aspects of photography. Once you're consistently taking better photos, you'll be more confident learning the intricacies of your camera.
How do i watch the course?
The course has 13 videos, each 10-15 minutes long. They are divided into four modules (composition, light, camera skills, and tips for moms).
The entire course is available immediately after purchase through the course access link on your receipt and email. You can also stream the videos through the Gumroad App on any phone or tablet by downloading the app into your device. (iOS here, Google Play store here). After purchase, click the link in your email to open the course in the app, with the email you used to purchase. Then you can watch the course videos in any order, on your own schedule.
You love your family. You love making memories with them.
Let's help you create photos you will love too!
a beginning photography Course for moms - $99
13 short videos with Mom-specific photo tips for any type of camera.
You can take better pictures of your kids in just minutes!
BUY NOW FOR $99lorem ipsum dolor
This is a general, beginning course, with basic tips you can use with any type of camera. This course does not cover the the more advanced concepts of using a DSLR in manual mode. While I believe you should absolutely learn how to use your camera eventually, the tips presented in the course will help develop your artistic eye, and get you taking better pictures right away. Once you're consistently taking well-lit images with natural smiles, you'll be more confident learning the technical aspects of photography and your camera.
This is a self-paced, online course with no instructor access. You get immediate access to all the course content upon purchase. The videos are self-paced, and can be watched in any order, on your own schedule.
Disclaimer: I truly believe the tips in this course will help you take better pictures, no matter what kind of camera you have. All sales are final and no refunds will be given. For customer service questions, contact snaphappyblog at gmail dot com.
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